Vimeo provides an indispensible hub for access to asana practices in high quality video and audio, on any device, and at whatever bandwidth is available to you — and which you can also download to keep. Through my pages on Vimeo, you can choose from an extensive library of over 125 one hour and 15 minute practices, any of which you can either rent or purchase. To see the catalogue, click here!
2025 will hold opportunities for live, online, and hybrid trainings and workshops! I'm holding plenty of live trainings worldwide — and continue to offer some select trainings online, which have the virtue of affordability and opportunities to revisit, review, and really imbibe the content of the trainings. A special focus this year will be the dimensions of yoga which support healthy aging.
I have been doing regular offerings with YogaU Online on therapeutic topics, and will continue to do so through the year. There's an extensive catalogue of courses to check out!
I've done a special course with Yogaversity which will be offered online starting in May — watch here for the link!
I also have a library of courses with Yoga International which includes asana, therapeutic wisdom, philosophy, and pranayama. The philosophy course casts light on how yoga philosophy is not static, but has evolved as people evolved through the millenia of the exploration of yoga practice.
I have upcoming trainings in Taipei with live teaching through Space Yoga
Therapeutic Wisdom Training with Focus on Healthy Aging at AirYoga Zürich March 20-23
Therapeutic Wisdom Training in Portland Oregon Including Dimensions of Mudra and Drishthi March 28-30
Therapeutic Wisdom Workshop at Spirit House Yoga in Oklahoma City April 4-6
Structural Anatomy and Keys to the Shoulders at Beloved Yoga in Reston VA
Therapeutic Wisdom Workshop at Circle Yoga in Washington DC June 7-8
Retreat at New River Gorge West Virginia June 13-16: Yoga for the Long Haul — All the Dimensions of Yoga for Radiant Aging — details coming!
Exploring Asana at The Yoga Place Canton Ohio June 27-29 - details coming
Parsing the Poses at Columbia Yoga Center Columbia Maryland July 19-20
Yoga for Aging Well: Our Myofascial Maps at Orange Yoga Cotswolds United Kingdom July 25-27